Terms and conditions - Auro Wallet

Auro Wallet is a decentralized non-custodial wallet. The encrypted data used in this wallet such as the Mnemonic Phrase, Private Key, and Keystore are all kept by Users. You shall bear sole responsibility to take care of your mobile devices, the wallet password, Private Key, Mnemonic Phrase and Keystore.

Auro Wallet does not store or hold the above information for Users. You shall be solely responsible for any risks, liabilities, losses and expenses which result from frauds, you losing your device or crypto currency hardware wallet, disclosing (whether actively or passively) or forgetting Wallet Password, Private Key, Mnemonic Phrase or Keystore, or your wallet being attacked.

Please do not disclose your Mnemonic Phrase, Private Key, Keystore, Security Password, and any other sensitive information to anyone, and do not store them in any cloud tools (such as IM, email, social networking sites, etc.). It is strongly recommended to use a hardware wallet to connect with Mina Wallet to ensure the maximum security.

Auro Wallet has been complete code open source and audited, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe. Users shall assume their own risk of use.

Auro Wallet is a community-developed project and is not affiliated with Mina Foundation or O(1)Labs


Auro Wallet 是一款去中心化钱包。钱包中使用的助记词、私钥以及 Keystore 等加密数据全部由用户自己保管,您应自行承担妥善保管钱包设备、钱包密码、私钥、助记词 Keystore 等信息的责任。

Auro Wallet 不负责为用户保管以上信息。因您遗失设备或硬件钱包、主动或被动泄露、遗忘钱包密码、私钥、助记词、Keystore 或遭受他人攻击、诈骗等所引起的一切风险、责任、损失、费用应由您自行承担。

请不要向任何人透漏您的助记词、私钥、Keystore、安全密码以及其他敏感信息,也不要将它们存放在任何云工具(如IM,邮件,社交网站等)。强烈建议使用硬件钱包与 Auro Wallet 链接,最大限度确保使用的安全性。

Auro Wallet 已经开源且完成了审计,但这不代表它绝对安全。用户需自行承担使用风险。

Auro Wallet 是社区开发的项目,不隶属于Mina Foundation 或者 O(1) Labs。
